Was steckt hinter dem Vogel?

What's behind the bird?


People from different regions, with different preferences and different ways of life. A motley group that connects a fact in the depths of thought:

lust for freedom.

Right from the start, Johnny & I asked ourselves how we wanted to structure the desire for freedom. Of course, the marketing idea was there too. We wanted to strengthen and publicize our brand in different ways.

What was fundamental, however, was that there had to be a community that carried the feeling of freedom and lust for freedom to the outside world at our side. So we started our influencer program and had hopes of big growth in a short time.

Thinking big is essential, but focusing on quality rather than quantity was and is far more important.

We've had inquiries upon inquiries from all sorts of people, both nationally and internationally.

So Johnny had to find out which profiles and which people fit into the construct "lust for freedom". A filter between the important properties to get the perfect match in the end.

Today we write October 12th, 2021. Establishment and opening are now 6 months ago.

Now we have achieved stability and consistency with great support from our #teamfreiheitslust!

A group of different people has formed who are dedicated to the desire for freedom. In times of pandemic, we could be judged for people coming together and having a nice day together. However, we at Freiheitslust are committed to integrity and cohesion.

Tolerance, community and sustainability are the topics we deal with every day.

We send our very special thanks to the #teamfreiheitslust for the tireless support and all the love for our project.

Many thanks to:

Julia, Rebecca, Manu, Micha, Matze, Ryvije, Heintje, Kilian, Lisa ❤️

If you want to learn more about the #teamfreiheitslust, just visit us on our Instagram channel!


Stay healthy and above all free!

Your Yannis!

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