Vanlife und Freiheit im Camper

Adventure and discovery – On the road with Isabelle

Today I would like to introduce you to Isabelle, a traveler who embodies the joy of discovery with her blog - Discover, experience, remember! With a fascinating mix of adventure, curiosity and a passion for authentic travel experiences, Isa represents all those who want to experience and feel the world intensely.

Who is Isa? Isabelle, or Isa for short, is not only an adventurer, but also someone who enjoys life to the fullest - whether diving, kitesurfing, or taking a musical break at the piano. Above all, however, traveling shapes her life path. Regardless of whether it is a city trip, an exciting weekend in Area 47 or a backpacking adventure, Isa is always on the way to get to know people and cultures, take on challenges and develop herself in the process.

The beginning of a great passion

Isa's passion for travel began with her first big backpacking trip: Alone, full of curiosity and with a backpack, she set off for nine months through the USA and Canada at the age of 23. This trip was a formative experience - here Isa not only learned about life on the road, but also discovered how her perspective expanded with every new place and every new person she met. Even then, she recorded her impressions in a handwritten diary - a precursor to her current travel blog.

The idea for

Over time, the travel diary became a digital project: - Discover, experience, remember! was created as a platform on which Isa shares her experiences and inspires others to experience the world with the same openness. Her honest stories about life on the road, the bright and dark sides of traveling, offer an authentic perspective and appeal to all those who want to bring adventure and freedom into their lives. Her blog is a real passion project and shows how important it is to leave your comfort zone and pursue the urge to explore.

Turning Point 2021: A New Chapter

The year 2021 marked another important turning point for Isa. She gave up her apartment and packed her life into a van, which she affectionately calls Makani . Now she lives in the van and explores the world from a new perspective. Her job as a lawyer remains part of her life, but traveling now has a permanent place in her everyday life. Her sabbatical and life in the van show how Isa combines her passion and her everyday life and inspires people to fight for their own dreams.

Isa's story on - Discover, experience, remember! is an invitation to everyone to travel the world with curiosity and a passion for discovery. Her travel stories motivate people to leave their comfort zone and seek adventure - because, as Isa shows, every trip offers the opportunity to learn a little more about the world and about yourself.

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